Sunday, October 24, 2010

What were you doing a year ago today ....

We were getting ready to board a plane at JFK that would take us back to Russia and our two boys!!! Hard to believe at times that it's been almost a year since we packed 3 HUGE suitcases and 2 carryons and were getting ready to board Delta airlines and travel to Moscow and then onto Yekaterinburg for trip #2!!!

I'm not sure how much I remember about that day ... I remember it was warmer than anticipated ... I remember the confusing process to check into Delta ... self checkout is NOT friendly and the rude woman who was behind the Delta counter did not ease any of the travel tension we were dealing with!!! Oh and since we had 3 suitcases we had to pay for the 3rd one and we also had to pay since our bags were over the weight limit ... talk about "friendly skies" ... but everything we went through in that airport was worth it by the time we were on the plane and traveling back to Roman and Max!!!

Over the next few days I will post some never before pictures of our trip to Ekat ... the sights we saw and our daily visits with the boys ... we are coming up on our 1st year together ... we even completed our 1 year post adoption interview with our social worker this past Friday.

Stay tuned for some great memories of our journey to bring Roman and Maxim home as we prepare for our first Family Day on November 11th.


Ursula said...

I have been an anonymous follower of your blog for the last year, but no more. I am in awe", of your parenting skills. I can't believe the difference, from last year, to now, with your boys. I cant wait to see what happens next.

Beth said...

WOW a year where does the time go?? Now they are getting ready for their first Halloween. Can not wait to see all the pictures.


Melissa said...

Congrats o this milestone. I can't believe we all made it. I don't think I will ever forget that day we finally went back. And the boys are so adorable. They are getting so big and you can see the love!

Laura said...

What was I doing a year ago today??? No doubt thinking of you knowing that you were starting the journey of a lifetime to make your family complete.

Looking forward to pics so we can see what we missed out before you were able to show the boys to the world!!

Blessings friends,
Laura :)

Meghan said...

Wow a whole year!!!! Can't wait for the pictures to catch up. I'm amazed time passes so quickly. Max and Roman are just doing so well. Thank you for sharing your joys with us! (Meg from the adoption bb)

Sharon and Patrick said...

One year already! Hard to believe. It is great to see your boys doing so well. Enjoy all the fun holidays coming up.
My best to you and your family