May 14, 2010 marked 6 months home together as a family and what a DIFFERENCE 6 months makes!!! We feel like a family and the boys have adjusted AMAZINGLY well and you'd never know that we haven't always been together!!! The boys are having a great time exploring outside and enjoying the warmer weather ... we have started swim lessons to prepare for all the time we will be spending swimming this summer and they get a "kick" out of the pool and all the splashing and blowing bubbles they get to do each Sunday!!!
May 16, 2010 - the boys were baptized!!!
Roman and Maxim having a snack before the church
We invited immediate family and a few close friends to join us at Our Lady of the Rosary church in Poughkeepsie, NY as the boys were baptized into the Catholic faith. We asked Fr. Lamorte from Marist to officiate and it was a beautiful and personal ceremony!!!
While Stephen and I were in Russia for our second trip we collected some Russian snow and kept it in a bottle to use as the water poured over the boys head to signify their birth country and the new family they were now a part of! The boys did great ... they were very curious about the whole experience and neither of them cried as Fr. Lamorte poured the water over their head!!! Fr. Lamorte was the perfect choice for this blessing and sacrament ... he made it so personal for us as a family and did a blessing at the end for not only Roman and Max but for Mama and Papa as well who had waited so long for these special little boys to come into their lives and complete us as a family!!!
Listening intently to the scripture and history of baptism
Maxim being blessed with Russian snow - Godparents - Auntie Joanna & Uncle Richard
Roman with his Godparents - Auntie Sara & Uncle Josh!
Blessed boys with Godparents
The LIGHT has been lit!
After the baptism we headed back to the house for a cookout with everyone and a great afternoon of playing with cousins and visiting with family!!!
This was my first mother's day with Roman and Max and it was GREAT!!! It was a very relaxing day spent with my boys and Stephen. We didn't do a whole lot and that's how I think it should be! My mother's day actually started on Friday with "Muffins for Mom" at the boys daycare ... it was a nice kickoff to the weekend and each of them had made me a little present that I have proudly displayed at home!!! I also got a flower from Max and I will be planting that in our yard. Sunday dawned bright and early, but then every morning with 2 busy toddlers starts early in our house!!! The boys came in to our room with cards they purchased with Papa and then we had pancakes together downstairs and Stephen brough in my gift ... a new hammock!!! We headed off to swim lesson and then after a quick lunch we ALL took a nap ... talk about a LAZY sunday afternoon ... it was FANTASTIC.
Dinner was my choice ... so we headed to FIVE GUYS for some burgers and fries ... a real treat and then followed by some Cold Stone ice cream!!!! What a day and I'm happy to say the boys love ice cream as much as their Mama!!! I enjoyed my special day with my little men and the last thing Roman said after hugs and kisses and being tucked into bed was "Happy Mother's Day Mama" ... and it was!!!