You have to understand that it's like 52 degrees today and when we got to the baby home they had 4 families who were visiting children. Sooooo, 2 families outside and 2families inside, we were one of the families who was outside.... :( It would have been nice to have more time with Max inside but we made the best out of it and had fun with him anyway!!! He is such a good little boy and a good sport.
They bundle these kids up like they are going into a blizzard... it's nuts, we tried to bring his snowsuit down a little and we were told "Russian children are used to being covered head to toe".... okay but he's sweating his A$$ off. We spent some time playing with the beach ball and blowing bubbles... even though Max could barely move we got a giggle or two out of him... always a good sign!!!! Our time with him went quickly today... we can't wait til we can come back and take him home for good... he's a content little boy and rolls with the punches.... such a Mama's boy... gotta love that and he loves Mama's kisses :-)
Here are a few picuters of Stephen and me signing our intent to adopt petition... it's official or will be on Thursday... we have 2 boys and Roman and Max have parents or will in a few short months.!!!
Love your kids "nick names". How did he move with that coat and snowpants YIKES. SIgn away one step closer to getting your boys home. Now all you have to do is get ALL the paper work done at home. Beth
This picture of Max made me laugh so much!
I've enjoyed your pictures both on your blog and on facebook.
Congratulations on making your intent to adopt official!
Great luck with the rest of your trip...and safe travels home in a few days!
Christine and Steven!!! OMG, what a thrill to see pictures of you and your beautiful sons! Make sure to take lots of pix so we can ooooh and ahhh daily over the babies! I am so happy for all of you! Travel safe, mama and papa!
Great picture! We brought Aaden home in June and when we changed him he was in 3 layers of clothes and a hat. They REALLY do bundle them up over there. lol! Congratulations on making the intent official!
Seeing you with your boys made me cry. How wonderful. I can't wait until you can bring them home with you. Congrats!
Congratulations on 2 boys!! I loved the photo with the green iodine everywhere. Daniel had pink and it took forever to get it off his head!! Congrats again!!
Wow - so excited to see the pictures and get a detailed update. Max and Roman are lucky little boys! Can't wait until they come home with you...we'll have to do a family gathering so we can all meet!
Love you!
Uncle Josh, Auntie Deanna, Brooke, and Billy
Congratulations!!! :)
Yep, I remember the layers well! You should see it in August!
How cute! He does look like the Michellin Man. I'm glad he and you both were able to have fun anyway.
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